Monday 18 March 2013

Character analysis

One of the characters in our film is Jade Wilson who is a leading biochemist at geneco, she is engaged to Natalie Richardson and is currently working on a cure for cancer. As a scientist she needs to appear intelligent and commanding. She is also the character that will ultimately end up causing the global pandemic that leads to the destruction of the earth. For this role I have picked Sarah Wright she currently studying chemistry, biology and physics which makes her perfect for playing the role of a scientist.

Another of our characters is Natalie Richardson. She plays a happy and cheerful individual who is struggling to repress her true sexuality as she is afraid of offending her girlfriend Jade Wilson. Natalie needs to be able to express a wide variety of emotions as she goes from cheerful to depressed very quickly, Therefore I have picked Naomi Cunningham for the role as she has qualifications in GCSE and A-Level drama she has also performed in theatre productions such as Oliver, Bugsy Malone and Grease. This shows that she has a wide range of acting experience and would be ideal for a role where a wide range of emotions are essential to maintaining the character.
Check out our interview @ charlie hudson As media blog: character profile: Naomi Cunningham:

Morgan Phoenix is the name of the C.E.O of the company Gene Co where both Natalie Richardson, Jade Wilson and Leo Hardwin work. Morgan has a position of authority and command however he is also the narrator from the post apocalyptic world this means that a talented actor will be required to play him because they will need to be able to illustrate the fall from glory that this character experiences, showing the contrasts between extreme wealth and abject poverty. Therefore for this role I have chosen Nathan Denny who is an experianced actor with a GCSE and A level qualification in drama.

The last major character in this film is called Leo Hardwin. Leo suffers from a form of anxiety in which every time he is confronted with conflict he immidiatly jumps to the worst possible outcome. Throughout his life he is a very passive and submissive person. However in Leos own mind he is a carefree and passionate individual and therefore as the film takes place within the mind of Leo, who ever plays Leo must be able to show a variety of different personality trates. I will be playing this role for several reasons. Firstly having writen the script I have a firm knowledge of how the character should act and behave. Secondly I am studing both media and film and so will be well aware of how to portray the character. Thirdly I have taken part in a Drama course and stared in a short film (God save the Queen) therefore I should have adiquate acting experience. 

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